Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Yang pertama

Ramadhan 1435, yang pertama for us with zafreen. Rather tough sebab terpaksa berulang alik dr umah mak kat paya jaras to work. Jaraknya maybe tak berapa jauh bagi sesetengah org tapi for me, JAUH! Huhuhu. Paya jaras - bukit jalil. 1 hour minimum, without fail. Tapi takpa, rela je for us (kerna terpaksa, aku relakan ~~~) *sobs*

InsyaAllah Aidilfitri kali ni, yang pertama jugak for us with zafreen. Hopefully Allah gives us many many many more years to celebrate together. Mungkin lagi 3 tahun dah berempat. Hahaha! Nak gegurl pulak kalau boleh.

Tahun ni jugak, for the first time jahit baju untuk kekasih sepanjang hayat saya, syafeeq and untuk nyawa yg pernah tinggal dlm perut saya, zafreen. Kalau korang tengok poket baju melayu hero2 kesayangan i ni senget, jgn tegur depan i k! Boleh terguris hatiku. Betul ni. Bukan bergurau. 

Oh, harini kawan i menang hadiah pecutian ke TEXAS! Syukur, rezeki dia. Seronok nak berjalan kau eh? Jangan balik jadi cowboy sudah. Haha. Tapi... boleh order barang tak makk? *kriikkk kriiik krriiik*

Tu je kot update? 

Selamat berpuasa semua! Tp jgn puasa je, sembahyang pon kena buat! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Blues isnin

At times, i feel like making a u turn, to my previous previous job. When i do, i need to console myself that life isn't all about money but...most everything needs money! Pfft! Thought of forming my own business but ade orang tak supportive pulok. Haish! Rasa taknak duduk kat klang valley dah. 

Morning blues punye pasal. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Kalau kaya, boleh buat wedding canggih2. Macam my friend. It was a beautiful wedding. Pelamin so wangi with fresh roses and ape bunge ntah lagi satu. Nangis tengok pelamin dia. Agak2 cover tak loan keta I setahun? Ke lebih?

Tu dia bak hang! Tengok gambar pon nampak pelamin syurga tu! Hahaha.

Tu je pos ni. Tiba tiba rasa nak pos gambar budak mrsmbp.

Does it changed you?

Numbers of my friend were asking the question. It is. Zafreen changed my life. Yes, life a bit ketat after having him in terms of budget, time, etc. But hey, look, i'm not complaining but i'm proud and feel bless cuz i've got the chance to have a son. Which not everyone dapat merasa anak sendiri. Alhamdulillah, Allah loan Zafreen to me, to us. 

Bila dah ada zafreen....
i'm a bit more concious of my spending. Bukan macam dulu. Main belasah je beli baju. 
Semakin menghargai my mom. Bukan nak kata before this tak menghargai but, semakin menghargai. Fahamlah kot kan? Hehehe.
Bila ada berita pasal kanak2, hati cepat touching.
Semakin mengembang. Makan sungguh banyak.
Semakin serious tentang masa depan.
Lebih banyak berfikir and buat lebih banyak 'if' plan. Yelah, tak tahu sempat ke tak nak tengok zafreen pegi sekolah then university. By then mesti dah banyak belanje. If anything happen to any of us, at least i left something for him (we love you so much zafreen!---jerit histeria---)
Lagi suka duduk rumah when weekend strikes.
Selalu balik kerja cepat (on time tau!) ---yang ni bos complain tapi i dont really care. Aku dtg awal, balik awal. Kerja siap. Lalalalalala.
Banyak lagi kot if nak list down but that's for now.  

Zafreen came when we least expecting him. When we weren't really prepared but i'm more than please to have him. You complete mama & papa's life sayang. Xoxoxoxoxoxo! 

Sape nak tanya lagi soalan?
Ye, anak aku bambam. Nak tengok? Nah!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Snuggbaby SSC

This is pekasam pos. tak tahu berapa lama dah dalam draft.

We bought new ssc. Tak tau ke? Soft sling carrier. Kot? Hahaha. We don't have the intention to buy but bila tiba2 we plan for holiday, syafeeq kata "macam senang je kalau kite ade baby carrier masa jalan jalan nanti kan?" Ok sayang, we'll have one.

So we bought custom made from snuggbaby. Go and find the website by yourself. I'm editing with my hp. Leceh plak nak copy sana sini. Macam mana nak dapat custom made? Browse lah dia nye web ye. Yang penting kat sini, i nak show off our ssc.

Tudia hero cheq dok pakai for the first time. Simple je we all request.

Harga? Starts from RM314. It goes up as your songeh goes up. Do check it out!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Klinik kanak kanak serena

Hello Parents! If your child is sick, especially babies, you all bawa g normal clinik or paed? If you were to ask me, i would always say paed! Hehe. Yes, it would cost you more and you cant use your medical card but, it's for your loved ones kan? Ape salahnye. Been to 3 paed and so far i love klinik pakar kanak2 serena. It's affordable and the doctor is friendly. Dia dah 41years old but she doesnt looks like one! *cries* 
If dia menipu aku by saying she's 25, seriously i boleh pecaye. Cantik, slim & looks very young. Terkesima pas dia cakap dia 41 sampai terlupa nak tanya apa rahsia dia. Hehehehe. 

Wondering where's the location? Dekat bukit rahman putra. Located next to office MBSA. Nak direction? Senang je. Type dalam waze. Pasti ada. I malas nak type kat sini. Muahahah. Semalam we went for zafreen's jab. The price that we paid for Zafreen's 5th month jab is only RM130. PMC (putra medical centre) charge us RM169 kot? Ke RM179? Cant remember. Oh, we used to go to PMC tp paed dia macam tak friendly. And the solution she gave macam tak membantu langsung. Masa zafreen about 2months +, he had nose block. Doc boleh cakap "i bagi u cleanzo, then u spray dlm hidung dia and clean it". I masa tu macam, ok (seperti lembu dicucuk hidung, menurut sahaja tanpa bertanya.hihi). We did to zafreen tapi it gets worse sampai dia taknak direct feed. Nak bottle je. Mane taknye. Tak reti nak guna benda tu. Huhu. Mama sedih. Huhu. Then i google, jumpe klinik pakar kanak2 putra. Sebelah PMC je. Jumpa doktor Tan.

She's good! She taught us how to use the nose spray in correct way and she even taught us how to calm zafreen. According to her, zafreen maybe phobia to direct breastfeed due to his experience --- hidung sumbat, hisap susu takleh nafas. That's why dia reject. After balik dr klinik tu, rasa nak nangis tengok zafreen bf dengan bersungguh2 sampai tertidur. After a week of struggling with nose block, finally it's over. Maybe tu yg dia fikir masa dpt bf tu. Hehehe.

On our 2nd visit to this clinic, nurse to kata clinic will be moved to kota damansara. Oh no! Jauhnye nak pegi! Actually tak jauh sgt tapi jam. Tu yang buat rasa jauh. Nyahahaha! So then we decided untuk give a try kat klinik pakar kanak2 serena. We sampai at 9am tapi dah ramai org. *gulp*

Bergambar dulu.kemain si anak bujang sorang ni.

Nak buat pneumococcal sekali. The price is RM195 exclude consultation. Omai! Murah!!! Kat PMC is RM270. Dekat klinik putra RM300. We are sooooo gonna do it here! If you are wondering what pneumococcal is, boleh lah mintak tlg si google explain eh. Ngeee. Since zafreen is being taken care by my aunty's maid, so doctor advice untuk amik while he's at 7months old. So, ok lah. We just did the 5th month jab. Doctor serena siap recommend buku resipi puree lagi.

Ni dia. Can be bought at MPH (if tak jumpa, marah doktor. She claim so).

Siap paksa i take picture. Hahahahaha! Tapi i malu plak nak amik picture doktor ni. Next time lah if pjg umur, i tempelkan picture dia kat sini. Hihi.

Before kena jab. Berpelukan dengan ayahanda. Eh, papa mengantuk lagi ke?

Muka yang agak cool lepas kena jab. Zafreen kental! Tak nangis langsung! Ke sebab lemak tebal sangat nak oi? Hahaha.

If you all nk pegi klinik ni, walk in je. Kalau call, mmg tak angkat. Sekali je i call beranswer. If datang pagi, no appointment needed. Kalau after 2pm, sila buat appointment. 
Ni timing dia ya you all!

Motif post ni adalah untuk berkempen bawa anak2 anda jumpa paed kalau dia sakit. And kalau paed tu tak friendly, sila sound setepek. Sekian. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Biarkan dia

Tengok dunia sekarang
Buat aku rasa nak biarkan zafreen terus dalam perut
Biar dia tak rasa bahaya dunia
Biar dia sentiasa dalam jagaan, tak terlepas sesaat pon

Emo bila tengok zafreen tido & bila terkenang dunia sekarang yang makin bahaya, makin mencabar. Tambah pulak dengar lagu fynn jamal, arjuna beta. Syahdu! Second her every single words. I'll paste here

Fynn Jamal, Arjuna Beta

Tak kanku biarkan walau ribut menyentakmu yang tidur
datang petir menyambar
jengking dan ular–
bonda takkan berundur

nyamanlah arjuna beta
mimpikan yang indah saja
nanti bila kau buka mata
semua tak serupa

kan ada satu ketika kau tak tahu mana nak pergi
jalan betul, anakanda,
tak jelas mata–
ambil yang sarat duri

hiduplah arjuna beta
biarkan jasad yang luka
selama tuhanmu ada
takkan engkau tercela

ngeri tak terbayang mata
bonda takkan ada sentiasa
nanti moga kau tak lupa
bonda memujukmu, anakanda

hiduplah arjuna beta
biarkan jasad yang luka
selama tuhanmu ada
takkan engkau tercela

nyamanlah arjuna beta
mimpikan yang indah saja
nanti bila kau buka mata
semua tak serupa

So? Syahdu tak? Huhu.


We love you, so much! Thank you Allah swt!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A year : Life After SIA

Have you ever wonder what you could do after being stewardess? If you have like 5 years experience in professional field before you join, I'm sure you could be hired for the job but if you were fresh grad then join the airline, your diploma or degree will go down the drain. Believe me, I've been there. Stress! haha.

Rasa-rasanya tak payah cerita why am i not a stewardess, anymore. I'm glad i've made the decision not to join MAS. Today,  a year after i surrender my luxurious life style. I admit it. It was a luxurious life.

On my last day of service, i dapat invitation for job interview. I pergi and I dapat. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki. I applied for Administration Executive in Private University in Malaysia. Tak famous pon. Korang pernah dengar Asia Pacific University? Tak pernah? No wonder. Haha. So, here I am now. Doing some administrative work and marketing. Tak pernah nak mengimpikan kerja macam ni but rezeki dah kat sini. Firm Landscape Architect semua sombong. They never gimme a chance to join them. Well at least, you can ask me to be under probation for a month and if you are not happy with my work, ask me to go. Mentality kan. Semua nak yang perfect dengan experience. If you didn't give me the experience, who will?

Financial status so far ok. Sekadar cukup makan, belum cukup nak shopping sakan. But really, if you intend to take your uniform off, you need to be prepared mentally and physically. Nak beli kereta or rumah kena fikir whether you boleh bayar balik once you live with RM2000++ salary. The hikes of living cost in KL is craaaaaaaaaaazy! Trafiic jem pon sama naik gak. Pening kepala *amek minyak cekapak sapu kat dahi*

Shopping pon dah tak macam dulu. Buying clothes last time was easier. Grab and go kind of thing. But sekarang kena try , think wisely and go. huwaaaaaa....

Afterall, i'm happier now. I'm happy that I've made the decision to leave. People says grass is always green on the other side but I'm definitely will make sure that my grass will always green. Yes, I miss my old lifestyle. But i don't to take the reverse gear. Not now maybe. :)

Stewardess out there, enjoy the life style that you own now! eat healthy, stay healthy!

It was me!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I was a preggy bear

I believe most of you (perasan ada org hadap nak baca blog i. Haha) knew that i was pregnant and now is sedang berbahagia dengan my little zafreen and of course my old boy syafeeq. 
My two hero!

He was born on 25th November 2013. We were expecting him on 20th Nov but obviously, perut mama is the best! He decides to stay longer. Takpelah anak, mama sabar tunggu awak (papa dia yang tak sabar). I took my maternity leave early. Every morning before pergi kerja, syafeeq mesti pesan "sayang kalau sakit perut cepat2 call i k". And there was no sign, at all. Sakit perut sbb salah makan adelah. Hihi. Tu pon syafeeq dah kalut. :p

These picture was taken 2 weeks before zafreen keluar.

My office mate yang sweet semuanya plan for my baby shower. It was a day before our 2nd anniversary. Kira i n syafeeq celebrate sekali harung. Bagus kan dapat wife yang pandai jimatkan duit laki. Haha. Actually dah plan nak pegi pullman putrajaya. Early celebration juga but his grandfather pass away. :( 
So we cancel. Silalah sedekahkan al-Fatihah kepada atok mertua saya ye. Terima kasih kawan2!

Whilst pregnant, i don't have bad morning sickness. Alhamdulillah. My son behave very well! Hopefully bukan dalam perut je. Craving pon tak banyak n not at ridiculous time. Syafeeq yg take over i nye craving mostly. Sampai boleh mendatangkan merajuk di hati arjuna saya tu kadang2. Hehe. Bila masuk 6th month, doktor kata air ketuban banyak. Terpaksalah minum air gula tu! Manis tak? Gila kau tak manis? Macam kau minum cordial ribena, togak terus dari botol. And why i have to drink the air gula (ke glukos eh? ) is to measure gula dlm darah. They were afraid that i might have Gestational diabetes mellitus, (GDM). Why, how & why , boleh refer sini . Alhamdulillah takde. Maybe baby zafreen masa tu is too small in my comel womb. :). Yes, zafreen were small masa dalam womb. Sekarang ni. Ya ampun! Sampai lenguh pinggang bila dukung dia. 

Monthly check up, i chose putra medical centre kat bukit rahman putra, sg buloh sbb malas nk tunggu kat klinik kesihatan plus nk g kk kene ikut alamat rumah & only weekdays. So, i rather chose private yang i leh pegi on weekend. Tp sbb weekend, nak tunggu pon lama jugak cuz only 1 o&g yg on duty. Clinic open at 8 tp kol 730 kitorang dah sampai and usually dpt nombor 8. Imagine! 1st time i dtg, kol 9 kot i sampai. Dpt nombor 22. Masak tunggu sampai kol 12 lebih. Haha.

My last day before 60 days of maternity leave. Yes, my company kedekut. Bagi 60 days je. Huhu.

Pesanan saya bagi ibu2 mengandung di luar sana, beli lah baju mengandung yg boleh diapakai lepas mengandung kerana sesunggunya baju anda b4 pregnant akan mengecil di bahagian dada. My baju almost semua ketat kat bhagian dada. Terpaksa membeli baju baru. Kekurangan dana pulak tu. Huhu. 

Preparation utk sambut zafreen? Yes, we are excited to prepare the best for him but we have to know our budget jugak. Beli barang2 baby tu sekadar yang mampu je. Duit tu lebih tu we all simpan for after birth. Manelah tau, apa2 jadi kan. Nowadays macam2. Huhu. Stroller and car seat i pinjam my sister punya. Tp skarang dah beli sendiri punya sbb my sister's stroller besar dan berat. Boleh tegang urat kentut nak mengangkat dengan sebelah tangan. If you are looking for stroller, better bli cepat. Pada pendapat i lah kan, bila korang dah merdeka nnt, mesti nak keluar laju2 kan? Takkan nak dukung je baby? Masa umur dia 40 hari tu maybe larat tapi bila dia dari huruf i jadi huruf o, hnnfffff (buat gaya hidung kembang) penat wooooo nk dukung. Huhu. Bila baby tu dah biasa kena dukung, tb2 you all letak dlm stroller, haruslah tanak. Bau ketiak papa n mama lagi sedap, buat pe nk bau stroller. Kan? So, biasakanlah baby duduk dlm stroller. 

Zafreen in his ride. We bought graco citilite type r. Cewah. Beli pakai duit yang org bagi tu. Maaf ye nak, nanti mama n papa ganti balik.

Kitorang beli yang reversible handle. Boleh tgk baby sambil tolak. I dont know i'm too paranoid or what tapi i takut bl handle tu kat blakang, we cant see our baby, tb2 nak angkat dia, dah hilang. Uwaaaa! Too precious tau! Thats why we decided beli yang ni. And boleh nampak kalau dia muntah susu ke.. Hehe.

Alamak, baby zafreen dah ada simptom2 nak bangun. Oklah uols! Chow! 

Our son everyone, our son! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Caught in between

I'm supposed to be at Malaysia Airlines Academy at this hour but, what am i doing now??!! Well, sad to say that i had to let go the offer from MAS. It wasnt my destiny i guess. I had to choose, between my pay in my current airlines or the new-found-job. My pay being hold by SIA ever since i tendered my resignation. Until i surrender my crew pass and other necessary things, they will hold onto it, tightly. *sigh*

I did ask the HR of MAS. Instead of negotiating, end up, i got scolded. Kenapa????!!!! As to ease my broken heart, i told myself "if they cant be considerate and so rude towards u even when u weren't their employee, imagine how would it be if u are their employee? Will they be tolerate or concern of ur problem?" Hmmm...a few of my friend agreed with the move that i took. Takpe kan, rezeki Allah tu ada dimana2. Berusaha, insyaAllah adelah rezeki tu.

Then again, i received an email. Interview for MBA. Aaaaaaaa!! I'm caught in between, again! It will be tomorrow, and tomorrow i need to return my crew pass and other stuff to my company! Oh, pls don't tell me i have no more chance... :(
I'm so depress now. Need a big hug. *sobs*