Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Broadband Trail Flag Off

I'd to attend the Broadband Trail Flag Off yesterday which was held at SKMM (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia) in Cyberjaya. I had to since I'm part of the committee. If it's not because of work, I might not attend it. ;p

 my big boss : Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim is giving out his magical words.
DATO` SERI UTAMA DR. RAIS YATIM is the one who had done the flag off. While waiting for the guest, my eyes caught something. Oh! It's Jehan Miskin. : D. I'm not his fan actually but hey, he's not bad oke. Then, follow by Nurul (ex-ajai). I'd really no idea that they will come to this event. But, i think it's kinda weird. If I bumped into any artist in OU, The Curve or anywhere, i didnt bother to take picture with them but in this event, i was excited! LOL. Haha to myself.
 Ice breaking between Dato' Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim and BB Icon.

Hey, add me in FB. Search for "IKON BB" ya!
 Maybe this was because of my friend. Haha. She kinda chasing for the artists for the best shot but she didnt have the guts to say hye and ask them for the picture. Geram pulak tgk my friend ni so with confident, i greet Atelia and asked her to take picture. I want my picture with them but unfortunately, all my friends start gather! Arghhhhh!!! Tadi malu2. Bile I asked Atilia, baru nak terhegeh2. Lain kali cakap sendiri oke. Huh! (Marah sebab me in the picture jadi cam tersepit. huhu). *GEraM..GerAm*
With artists. See, i was cramped in between! *^&%$#*^&$
BB Icon with them
 If u see them, catch them and take the goodies bag.hehe.

I rushed back to the office at 12 noon. Wah! Malaysia is sooooooooooooo hot la. huhuhu~. Settle one event. But still, i've got a lots more to come. Haish...boleh x,kalau xnak keje,dok uma tapi dapat duit? ;p


zatiabubakar said...

same goes here. x nk keje but still nk duit..huhu

.indah. said...

huhuhuuhu~cane ni?kalau la daun2 pokok yang aku kutip tu boleh bertukar menjadi duit, kan seronok.huiii~