Thursday, September 9, 2010

tough but small

I may look tough but inside, i have a very small heart. When someone scold me, i'll cry easily. Owhohoho.. i hate that but i just can't hold it. Especially, if the person who scold me is someone that i really2 love like my family or friends. Who like to get scolded but...hmmm... I remember when i was in primary school. My late father will scold me if i'm late or anything that goes wrong. End up, I'd gone to school, CRYING. Hahahha. I never bother whomever looked at me while I'm waiting for school bus. kEkeke... Kinda spoilt but that's just me....which easily merajuk. Hehehe.

Sometimes, i say a thing without thinking. And that makes some people angry with me. But, i just say it. I didn't mean it. I'll get scolded because of my words. :P

Eh, tomorrow is Hari Raya la... i've lost count of the years my family celebrate Eid without my father. I miss u dad.. i really do....I always think of, how my life would be if u r still around? i think i got no bf since i would rather spend my time with my dad. :)

And, i'm kinda sad because Ramadhan is leaving. I dunno whether i could see Ramadhan next year. :( Dear Allah, let us meet again next year. Amin~~

Dear my beloved friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri... Sorry for everything that i've done wrongly... maybe i buli u, but u dun like it, or i borrow something from u that i never return or maybe i badmouthing about u....banyak lagila kot kalau nak list down every single thing but what does matter, the forgiveness....

Drive carefully...and, jangan makan banyak2. I know rendang, masak lodeh, and other meals during hari raya is sooooooooo tempting but, remember, u wanna use ur body for much longer time. So, just be careful. Owh, i lost about 2.2kg during this Ramadhan. Yeay!!

1 comment:

wen pink said...

same here dear.. i cry so easily too.. oh btw, happy belated hari raya to u n ur family :)