Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Busy buzz

Oh, what a hectic week i've to go through. Starts from yesterday, the meeting never ends until the 1st day of Ramadhan. *sigh* . But hey, what i'm doing now??? updating my blog? hihihi. I've long list of work to be done.

Last week, i went for interviews. Unfortunately, i'm not selected for the next interview. My friend told me that i looked deep in frustration. Hey, who aren't aite if u really want something that u really2 want, which u really wanted it to be urs (ayat ape i merepek ni?lol), then suddenly it was taken over, u must be in really deep frustration. huhuhu~

Oh work, go away please.... i wanna have a rest for a month; at least.hehe. Approve x?

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