Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm Engaged!

I have change my status since 25th December 2010. What a great finish of 2010 i believe. ^^
Since i've become somebody's fiance ni (actually i dun really feel a great change in our status.hihi), a lot i've to slowly change. Trying to be more respect to my fiance in preparation of our next status change which insyaAllah will be on 11 day before our 9th anniversary. Nak tahu bile? cari sendiri la my anniversary date. :p

Wanna see my engagement's picture(s)? Xnak? Xnak xpe, i still nak shows off jugak! wekk!

my beloved mom! :*

my mother in, belum lagi la.hihi

my family
his family
owh, best friend saya punya pic xde dalam laptop. harap bestfriend2 saya faham ye. huhu.

frens of him

the girlfriends
lastly, me and him
and the rings~hehe

People always said that being engaged is the toughest one. Why? Erm, my personal point of view, it's not exactly being engaged that made it so. It is because.....
1. Preparation of the wedding
There are a lot of things to be thinking of prior to the big day. eg; catering, reception date, honeymoon (oops.haha), the solemnization ceremony etc. As for me and my fiance, we had a little quarrel on the theme color and venue. Since we'll be joining our reception in which, only one reception (normally, in malay wedding, 2 reception will be hold), so, we need to choose the color that both of us could agree on. The venue, we had list down few of it but then, end up only one place that available. huhuhu. *nanges*. Almost like everytime we talked about it, the conversation will goes to arguments. haish..Sampai rase malas nak kahwin sebab asyik gaduh over this thing. haha. But, we solve it,because we could tolerate with each other opinions (yeke sayang? :P). As conclusion for this; we have to tolerate with our other half. Barulah bahagia. ^^

2. The mind set
Some couple have set in their mind that "engage = trouble = brittle relationship". The relationship's fundamental has been set to negative thing. When we think of something negatives, results we'll be negative. Kan? Cuba fikir the positive things. "engage = more loving = more durable relationship". Isn't it sounds better? So, throw that negative thought! 

Erm, those two reasons je that I could think right now. :p. If you all have ur own opinion, please share it ya! :)

Okelah, i think i should stop now. hihi.
Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tempat paling sesuai ..@ HOME...