Monday, January 7, 2013

I need a new job!

"i pegi interview for malaysia airlines" and everybody was like "WHAT??!!!" Ape what2? If u could give me a better job than stewardess, cepat lah bagi! It's not that i hate to become a stewardess but i just wanna be home... :'(

I went for few interview for the post of lanscape architect. Tp bila sit down depan si interviewer tu, boleh dia kata "oh, awak ni stewardess. Ur experience in landscape architecture is not that much. Bla bla bla...". Ewah, kalau i dah datang baru nak view resume, sangatlah xprofessional wahai employer. I was soooo annoyed with this kind of people. Buang masa je tau. Masa kau pon terbuang jugak kan. If u think my experience isn't that much as u expected, pls, don't ask me to come for the interview. I have a loooooots of things to do during my off day. Rasa macam dah give up mencari kerja di bumi malaysia mi tapi i really have to.

IF i'm successful in malaysia airlines interview, do u think i should go?there'll be another 2 years bond... :(

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