Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Young,truth & honesty

Honesty and truth vs hipocracy...huhu. Sometimes it's good to speAk up and tell the truth but sometimes,something os better to remain silent. I don't want to be a hipocrite but i just can't avoid it. I like to speak up whatever i feel and it's sometimes hurts others. But i just throw my point of view. It's isn't wrong right? I couldn't just stand there and watch everything without doing anything; more over if it involve people that I love.

Who made the rules that young people can't commented people whom are elder than him/her??? If we know that the elder is doing something wrong, or going astray, we may tap on their shoulder and says that "eh, i think what you did is not correct". What should the elder respons? Scold the young or sit and think whether what she/he commented about is correct or not. I just don't understand people who can't take younger people's advice or comment.

ish, what am i babling about??!!!! Ini semua gara-gara jetlagged of london. T.T
Erm,okelah. I'm going to try to sleep for .....can't remember how many times already.hahaha.bengong dah lah! Bye!

Assamualaikum kawan-kawan.

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