Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hujan Rahmat

As Malay saying goes "hujan itu pembawa rahmat". Hmmm...to be as posituve as i could,yes,i admit that. Even when something bad happeb during the rainy day, i know that there must be a blessing in disguise. Allah will never give something without any reason.ok, What's up Indah??!!!

Hehehe...last wednesday, it was raining cat and dog. I look at my hanphone, it's 4.15am. I rush to toilet and do whatever necessary then quickly run to car and drove off.i need to fetch my beloved fiancee from since i borrowed his car. I drive as per normal but suddenly, the car stopped!!! Oh my Allah!!!! I stepped out and....jeng jeng jeng...huhu... Macam tak sanggup nak sambung cerita. Huhu. But the last thing i could tell, the car's engine is full with water. Wuuuuuu... My fiancee keep blaming me. I know it's my fault but, i never meant to. It's not like i take a water jar, then fill up the engine with water. It was accident. :'(

Now the car has been admitted to workshop. Huhu. I am sorry sayang....tapi,silalah percaya hujan itu pembawa rahmat. You can't see or feel it now but, who knows...

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